As a bath product enthusiast −ok, maybe addict − I tend to use bath and body products as my vehicle to dip my toe in the proverbial bath water so to speak! While some people may choose to try the latest news worthy remedies and ingredients in cooking, I try them in the bath or shower! When I first desired to experiment with aromatherapy, I tried bath bombs infused with essential oils.
When I read about the benefits of charcoal, I immediately ordered a charcoal based facial cleanser! When I wanted to partake in the kale craze, I ran to the drugstore for a kale face mask. And now, with CBD products used in everything from beverages, to chocolates to dog treats, it’s time to see what this latest elixir has in store for the personal care marketplace!
What CBD soap does NOT do
First, to dispel the rumors and misinformation floating around, CBD soap does not get one high! Most soap companies, and is definitely the case with Manos Soap Co., use pure CBD full spectrum in their products which contain .03 THC. CBD is the non-psychotropic component of marijuana or hemp.
Pure CBD Oil Sourced
We source our CBD oil from extremely reputable and reliable suppliers such as Charlotte's Web CBD Oil, and requires testing to guarantee only pure CBD Oil is used in its Cannabidiol Soap. In addition, as further reassurance for those considering a CBD Oil soap bar, keep in mind that the soap’s lather only sits on one’s skin for a minute or two, so only a small amount of CBD is ever absorbed in your system.
Benefits of CBD Soap on your Skin
So now that you know you won’t get high using this soap, what are the benefits for skin and body?
Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
Most importantly, CBD oil is known to for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties! When added to a soap bar, these properties help maintain healthy skin and contribute to overall well being. When added to a topical cleansing bar, CBD Oil can combat acne by reducing over activity of the sebaceous glands. By reducing the production by these glands, skin is less prone to break-outs.
Also of particular interest to me, and many others of a certain age, is the anti-aging aspects of CBD Oil. Research suggests that facial soaps that contain CBD Oil as one of the key ingredients have a dramatic impact on slowing down the visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, dull skin and a ruddy complexion. CBD’s anti-oxidant properties fight free radical damage much like many of the fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables we are encouraged to consume for this same reason!
Hydrates Dry Skin
CBD oil is particularly popular in treating dry, itchy and inflamed skin. Serious outbreaks of these conditions known to many of us only on occasion are typically caused by psoriasis and eczema, both tied to the immune system. Studies indicate that CBD is remarkably effective in inhibiting the body’s inflammatory responses and associated pain caused by psoriasis and eczema. As a result, CBD Oil soaps show great potential for treating these skin conditions as well as many other inflammatory diseases.
Reap the Benefits of CBD Soap
With new research and evidence released almost daily with respect to CBD Oil and the positive impact it is having in a variety of areas, it is no wonder so many are seeking effective ways to incorporate CBD in our daily lives. So, just like any other soap – use a CBD Oil soap such as our CBD Oil Soap Bar to lather, rinse, and repeat if so desired!