Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin
While it may cause discomfort, dry skin is a common occurrence. It is identified by feelings of roughness or tightness, especially after cleansing. Dry skin may exhibit characteristics such as a fine, scaly, flaky, or patchy texture, a dull appearance, a deficiency of oil, and in certain instances, redness, itchiness, or irritation.

Ultimate Guide For Dry Skin
‘Dry skin’ is not necessarily characterised by a lack of moisture, but rather by an insufficient production of sebum. Sebum, a viscous and oily substance, is generated by the sebaceous glands situated in the middle layers of the skin, close to hair follicles. Playing a crucial role, sebum aids in moisturizing and safeguarding the skin, comprising various types of lipid molecules.
However, dryness undermines the skin’s lipid barrier, making it more prone to moisture loss (or dehydration) and increased sensitivity. Dry skin may appear fine, scaly, flaky, or patchy, with a dull look. This often leads to feelings of roughness or tightness, especially after cleansing, and can sometimes cause redness and general discomfort.
what is the leading cause of dry skin type?
Several factors can contribute to dryness, with some being more avoidable than others. A comprehension of both internal and external triggers will help in creating a skincare routine tailored to your specific needs.
what is the best essential oils for dry skin type?
We promote the use of ingredients that consistently provide or enhance hydration in every step, aiming to replenish dry skin without worsening its condition. This includes a gentle yet potent soap bar, an body scrub, and a bath bomb hydrator tailored to your specific environmental conditions and textural preferences.